Setting up the credentials
Before the credentials can be created, make sure to know how to retrieve the connection string from Azure. Here is a useful link about how to find these keys: Azure.
It is also possible to create a connection string with restricted permissions and expiry date.
In the selected storage accounts, go in the shared access signature under the security + networking section, then you can adjust the permissions and expiry date for the connection string. This example illustrates a read-only connection string.
Once you are done with the configurations, click on the Generate SAS and connection string button. In the input below, you will be able to get your new connection string.
Once the connection string is acquired, there are two ways to create the DataIntell Cloud Storage credentials:
It can be created from the Cloud Storage section: → Data → Cloud Storage → Credentials → +.
Select the Azure type in the dropdown and enter the connection string.
It can also be created from the Cloud Storage wizard: → Data → + → Cloud Storage → Credentials → Add new credentials.
Setting up the DataIntell Cloud Storage
Before creating the Cloud Storage, here’s an example of the name for the Azure container:
To create the Cloud Storage, there are two ways to do it:
It can be created from the Cloud Storage wizard: → Data.
It can be created from the Cloud Storage section: → Data → Cloud Storage → Buckets → +.
You can the follow the instructions in the wizard.
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