The following instructions are working only on Centos 7.
You must first install the Avid Nexis client on the server that will have the mounted share. Once it is done, restart the server.
Once the server is up-and-running, you will need to modify the /etc/AvidRegistry file and add the IP addresses of the Avid Nexis share to be mounted. To do so, use this command:
vi /etc/AvidRegistry
Then uncomment the line with AvidFos\Parameters\RemoteSystemDirectors and replace the default IP addresses with the one needed. Once it is done, save the changes and reload the configurations using this command:
/usr/bin/avidfos_ctrl -r
Once this is done, we can create a credentials file which will contain the username and password of the Avid Nexis share that are required to be mounted. To do so, use these commands:
mkdir /avid/custom vi /avid/custom/.avid.credential
Using the opened text editor, write these two lines:
username={username} password={password}
Where {username} and {password} are the username and password needed. Once this is done, save the file.
Next, we need to create the mount folder for the share. Use this command:
mkdir /mnt/{nameOfMount}
Where {nameOfMount} is the name that you want the mount point to have. A good name would be the name of the Avid Nexis share. Once it is done, we are ready to mount the share.
Manually mount
To manually mount the share, you can use this command:
mount.avidfos -o credentials={pathToCredentials} {nexisName} /mnt/{nameOfMount}
- {pathToCredentials} is the path to the credential file that was created in the previous section, it should be /avid/custom/.avid.credential if you used the same one.
- {nexisName} is the name of the Avid Nexis share.
- {nameOfMount} is the name that was given to the mount point, it should be the same as the {nexisName} if you followed our example in the previous section.
If it is working, you should see all the workspaces of the share using this command:
ls /mnt/{nameOfMount}
If that is not the case, you can check the Troubleshoot section to try and fix the issue.
Automatically mount on boot
To automatically mount the share on boot, we will first need to write a script file that will mount the share. To do so, use this command:
vi /avid/custom/avidnexis.mount
Note that the folder /avid/custom was created in the previous section.
Using the opened file editor, copy the following into it:
#/sbin/sh sleep 60 /usr/bin/mount -t fuse.avidfos -o credentials={pathToCredentials} {nexisName} /mnt/{nameOfMount}
- {pathToCredentials} is the path to the credential file that was created in the previous section, it should be /avid/custom/.avid.credential if you used the same one.
- {nexisName} is the name of the Avid Nexis share.
- {nameOfMount} is the name that was given to the mount point, it should be the same as the {nexisName} if you followed our example in the previous section.
Once this is done, save the file.
We need to add a script that will run the script on boot. For that, you can use these commands:
sudo su crontab -e
Using the opened file editor, add the following line to it:
@reboot sleep 60 && /avid/custom/avidnexis.mount
Once this is done, save the file. This will run the script 60 seconds after the server is booted. To test it, reboot the server and run this command after at least 60 seconds has passed since the server has been booted:
ls /mnt/{nameOfMount}
You should see the workspaces of the share. If that is not the case, you can check the Troubleshoot section to try and fix the issue.
One recurring issue that was found during the process was an issue with the default hostname of the server. To change it, use this command:
hostnamectl set-hostname {newName}
Where {newName} can be anything other than the default one. Once it is done, reboot the server and verify if the mount works properly.
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